Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement with Lorenzo Valdivia, where we discuss factors that give officers the ability to accomplish greater feats than they would without it.
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Mandatory Training within Your Department
Season 2
Episode 11
This week we talk to Deputy Chief Brad Leonard. We discuss Establishing a defensive a tactics program and getting buy in from leadership for your program.
Deputy Chief Leonard has been in Law Enforcement for 19 years. He currently is the deputy chief over investigations and training/personnel at his department. He is a defensive Tactics Instructor and has taught defensive tactics for 15 years.
He is currently a Bjj black belt and due to 2nd degree soon.
Connect with Lorenzo Valdivia:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ForceMultiplierForLawEnforcement
Email: forcemultiplierDS@gmail.com