Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement with Lorenzo Valdivia, where we discuss factors that give officers the ability to accomplish greater feats than they would without it.
Force Multiplier for Law Enforcement
Creating an Effective Defensive Tactics Program
Season 2
Episode 12
This week we talk to Randy Wark. We discuss creating an effective DT program.
Randy is a Corporal in North Carolina with 14 years of Law Enforcement experience in two states, North Carolina and Virginia.) Randy is the Lead Defensive Tactics Instructor and Training Coordinator on a full-time training unit within his department. He is a Team leader on his department Emergency Response Team. Rand is currently a Brown belt in BJJ, GST 1 and 2 Instructor and SOCP Level 1 certified.
Connect with Lorenzo Valdivia:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ForceMultiplierForLawEnforcement
Email: forcemultiplierDS@gmail.com